
Temecula Neurofeedback helps to transform people’s lives with a wide-variety of neurological-based issues. Below are a few success stories from clients sharing their experiences with our Neurofeedback treatment…

Aimee T., Murrieta, CA 3/8/24

My son started going to Temecula Neurofeedback for CRPS I (Complex Regional Pain Syndrome I, formerly known as RSD), in his arm and leg. My son went through remission after 5 years with CRPS. He got his life back, doesn’t need to use his cane, lives pain free, works, and doesn’t have to live with the intrusive thoughts, depression, anxiety and anger so common with CRPS.

I have had CRPS I for 17 years in my arm and leg. I have been in a wheelchair, used a walker, had a leg brace for drop foot and had to use a cane. I started Neurofeedback after my son went through remission. The benefits started by helping with my severe anxiety, which I no longer take medication for. It helped my depression and intrusive thoughts. I noticed I was not getting flare-ups right from the beginning, my pain levels went down and my CRPS was considered controlled. I started going through remission in January of 2024, I no longer need pain medications, which Neurofeedback helped me with withdrawals when weaning off. I no longer require my cane either.

The office is always clean. They have a comfortable waiting room. The parking lot has ample parking.

Temecula Neurofeedback was instrumental in giving us our lives back. Deanne and Bennett are very pleasant. We are very grateful my son was referred there by his doctor. We highly recommend Temecula Neurofeedback.


Jin Yin C., Temecula, CA 3/7/24

I was a bit skeptical prior to trying neurofeedback out because I never heard of it until someone mentioned it to me. With having had a few life altering medical scares one most recently in 2021 I really needed something other than traditional counseling and was referred to Temecula Neurofeedback by a psychologist who said I didn’t need her services but that neurofeedback may help. I started using services end of 2023/beginning 2024 delaying treatment due to the cost. After having gone through 11 sessions, I am so grateful that I went through it because I feel that the way my brain reacts to stress emotionally has change significantly as I am so much more calm. DeAnne and Bennett have been so flexible with getting me the sessions I need and I especially loved having DeAnne help me identify what emotional triggers may have been impacting my life negatively. In fact, since it’s helped me out I have referred family members and coworkers to trial neurofeedback to help counter emotional trauma and help manage stress. It really does work!


Mike C., Laguna Nigel, CA 2/20/24

When I first found this office, I was skeptical just like many of you might be. I have been to so many therapy sessions beforehand and I always hear the phrase once you find the right therapist that’s when everything will work out. I have done so many icebreakers so many different programs, and none of it ever worked for me and I was looking into psychiatry and all they wanted to do was prescribe medication so that’s definitely not something I wanted to go down unless I absolutely had to luckily for me I found Ms. Deanna and Mr. Bennett’s practice and the first session did absolutely nothing honestly and I thought oh here we go again, but I told myself let’s give them a few more sessions, and see what happens the second session I explain to them what happened from the first session and they immediately fixed the placing and after that, it was a game changer just seemed like after every session I just got better and better and now I just feel like I’m functioning at a higher level than I have in so many years I can control my emotions. My anger, have conversations. Nothing gets to me as it once did, and I never would’ve thought in my life that I would be in a place of finding joy in life every day, not having negative thoughts, and being able to overcome obstacles with ease Now I am 14 sessions in and I just feel amazing in life and it’s all thanks to Ms. Deanna and Mr. Bennett these two really saved my life. Honestly, I was going through some pretty dark moments when I found them and now I’m living in a beautiful world and I don’t know who is reading this but give them an opportunity to help you and hopefully they change your life like they did mine


Denese R., Temecula, CA 1/16/24

Unfortunately our 10 year old son has been through several extremely traumatizing events. Both events caused serious trauma,PTSD and obsessive thoughts. We were desperate to help him find peace and calm down. He wasn’t sleeping, or eating-had lost 15lbs in two months, and was terrified all the time. I’ll be honest, I wasn’t sure Neurofeedback was real, or could possibly help our boy. After one simple session, our son immediately felt relief. We went home that night and he didn’t cry like he had been for weeks. He ate dinner and smiled- he said he felt like a weight had been lifted. I couldn’t believe how much that one short session helped our son. He saw Deanne for a few months, and he was able to discontinue treatment and move forward with life. We are so grateful for this therapy and for Deanne! Thank you!

Crista C., Ventura 11/27/23

We love coming here! Deanne is a genuinely caring provider. She listens carefully to what you tell her and she knows what she’s doing. We’ve been coming here for a year, at first it was just for my daughter who is autistic. After seeing a lot of positive changes in her (less rigidity, better emotional control, doing better in school and the list goes on) I decided to try it myself! Trust me when I say that Neurofeedback really does work. It takes a provider as knowledgeable and seasoned as Deanne and for that reason I highly recommend her and her team and Temecula Neurofeedback.


Elizabeth D., Corona 1/28/23

This saved my life.  I suffer with bipolar, depression, cptsd, severe anxiety.  It even stopped a panic attack within minutes- where my only other option was the emergency room.  It was like a switch was flipped with the first treatment.  My head was finally silent, I was calm, my body was really finally resting, and healing itself.  I’ve  gained new perspective on life and myself, I am truly happy again.  It’s like waking pieces of your old self up again.  I am so thankful I found this treatment– amazing and comforting staff that guides you through healing.

Dp3 K., San Francisco 10/18/22

Neurofeedback helped me so much with depression. My depression was so bad from past traumas that I had difficulties keeping focused, and I felt like I would repeat my mistakes. Deanne and Bennett figured out multiple reasons why I was experiencing these things. Their understanding, compassion, and consideration helped me build confidence. I have more hurdles to overcome in life, but now I can overcome them without feeling depressed. Neurofeedback works for me!

Steven V., Murrieta 10/13/22

I highly recommend Temecula Neurofeedback. They are super nice and helpful. They’re there to listen and help you with whatever you may be going through. I’ve been seeing awesome results. Just need to be patient with the process but it will definitely help you and make you feel a whole lot better.

Nancy Reyes, 10/12/22

Deanne Allen is a fantastic therapist. I went to her for NeuroFeedback Therapy (I learned about in Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk; 2014) which drastically reduced my depression, negative ruminations and anxiety.

Three months after my sessions I received terrible financial news. In the past I would have been reduced to a ball of depression and anxiety and not been able to get out of bed fearing that I would not be able to confront and address the devasting news. But instead I sat stunned for about 30 minutes.

Then I closed the email and began my plan to address and deal with the news like I would have 30 years ago before my first mind/body altering trauma (or the mind bending emotional trauma I endured in early 2016).

I can not recommend this treatment enough.

M.H., Wildomar 10/12/22

Brought my teenage daughter to Temecula Neurofeedback after she suffered from severe Conversion Disorder symptoms for almost a year.  Her symptoms were so severe that she had constant tics, seizures, vision problems, and brain fog.  She couldn’t even go to school.  After just a few sessions, her symptoms dramatically improved and after just a couple of months she is symptom free.  So grateful we were referred here and wish I had brought my daughter sooner

Mrs. F, Oceanside 10/11/22

Deanne is absolutely AMAZING! She literally has changed my life. My insurance doesn’t cover neurofeedback but, I continue to go because it’s been that effective. I came in for PTSD, severe depression and anxiety as well as some issues with OCD and my symptoms have dramatically improved.

She is incredibly kind, knowledgeable and compassionate. She loves what she does and it shows. Bennett is also wonderful. He’s very soothing (if that makes sense?), empathetic, kind and knowledgeable as well. They’ve been lifesavers and I cannot sing their praises enough! If you’re even thinking about seeing them, just go! You’ll be amazed at the difference they can make in your life

Kerri K., Temecula CA 8/4/22

I cannot recommend a better place! I came here desperate to find a solution for my anxiety, depression and OCD that I struggled with for over 4 years. I’ve tried regular therapy before but nothing helped. I was adamant on trying something natural before using medication as a last resort. I was so impressed. My first visit I left feeling calm and hopeful. I saw a noticeable improvement in my first few sessions, much quicker than I anticipated. I feel like I have my life back where I can do things without this holding me back. Even my family all sees it and it’s just a great feeling. Deanne and Bennett are so warm and friendly and are just as invested in seeing your progress, I always looked forward to going. Best decision ever!

Amy N., Murrieta CA 8/3/22

I brought my son to Temecula Neurofeedback not having much of an expectation but rather just hopeful that it would help with his anxiety and ability to process his feelings. We saw a difference just from his first 5 second session, yes you read that correctly, 5 seconds! By his 5th or 6th session we fully noticed him communicating more effectively, feeling less anxious and even being less reactive in his interactions within our large family.
He is a homebody. The only way to get him out of the house is for school or sports. Yet he was always at the door ready to head to his neurofeedback sessions. This is how I knew that he enjoyed his sessions and knew he was feeling and seeing results.
Deanne is warm and knowledgeable about this modality. She works to ensure her clients are getting the most out of their treatments. You can see the passion and excitement she feels towards helping people. I would highly recommend Temecula Neurofeedback

Travis R., CA 7/16/22

Brought my son here almost 3 months ago
My son has had a speech Delay  and has had anxiety , and is on the Spectrum I have seen such a different he is talking way more and is not anxious seems so content with life .
I can’t wait to see how this keeps helping him
Thank you

Anna P., Murrieta CA 6/30/22

During the 21-22 school year my 10-year-old was diagnosed with ADHD and anxiety, which in turn led to task avoidance, frustration, and depression. She had a very difficult time adjusting back to normalcy and being back in school after the pandemic. She had issues dealing with schoolwork/homework, relationships/socializing, and managing her emotions. It got very bad and continued to be bad even after starting traditional talk therapy with a psychologist. I was desperate to help her get better and to have my happy, social girl back, so I decided to try neurofeedback. It was the best decision we made. After just a couple of sessions, she began to show improvement, something that traditional therapy did not quite accomplish. After a few neurofeedback sessions, her psychologist decided to end talk therapy because she felt that my daughter no longer needed it. We had a total of 17 sessions with Deanne for anyone who may need to gauge how long the process takes. Although this is not “magic,” it helped us much, much more than traditional therapy and I recommend it to everyone who has the need!

Nicole B. 1/17/2022

I have been looking for cutting edge treatments and/or therapies to help my 7 year old son with his ASD and ADHD symptoms, and that’s when I discovered Temecula Neurofeedback.  We decided to try it and I’m so happy we did!    

Since starting neurofeedback, he has been able to retain focus for longer periods of time and he’s doing excellent in school!  It has also helped him sleep longer/better, improved his communication skills and be more present.  Plus, it has opened up his creativity in ways we’ve never seen before!  I believe neurofeedback has truly unlocked his brain!!  

Other family members have noticed the difference in him as well!  Everyone is so happy with the strides he’s making.

Deanne Allen has been wonderful to work with.  She is very kind, compassionate and knowledgeable. If you are exploring alternative options for your child on the spectrum,  I highly recommend trying Temecula Neurofeedback!

Karie V., Winchester CA 8/23/21

Deanne has been a complete game changer in my 10 year old daughters life! She suffers from severe anxiety which has prohibited her from enjoying life as a child should! We are on our 8th session and so much change has occurred. She sleeps better, her focus is so much better, and her recovery from things is very quick! She even peacefully sat through a 4 hour Padres game gracefully. That would have never happened before her neurofeedback. Deanne is super sweet and gentle. I highly recommend her! I will be going next when she’s done! Thank you Deanne for giving my daughter her joy back!

Courtney C., Sun City CA 6/14/21

 I cannot say enough about how neurofeedback has helped me.  I have dealt with depression and anxiety since I was young, but no one recognized it as such, so it was never addressed. My depression and anxiety got worse after the death of my mom in 2017. I was just surviving each day.  I started antidepressants in March of 2020. I felt that they helped in the beginning, but within a year I noticed that they weren’t having the same effect. I didn’t want to be on the medication forever, and I felt it was coming to a point of needing to increase my dose because the depression was creeping back in, so I decided to stop the medication.
I had been following Deanne’s website and yelp page for about a year, and decided that neurofeedback was something I wanted to explore, and I am so happy I did.
My depression has slowly melted away. I find myself happier, productive and thriving everyday. I still have down days, but I feel the neurofeedback helps me to deal with those days and move on. Its truly an incredible feeling to be excited about life again and to not feel hopeless and helpless.
Around my 12th session my anxiety started to get a little worse. Deanna did a pairing that I didn’t feel really helped, so my next session she changed it up and did a different pairing. My anxiety was almost non existent. I was in awe at how amazing I felt and how almost non existent my anxiety was.
I am so grateful to Deanne and neurofeedback. I advise anyone struggling to try it. Be patient as it is not instant, but it does help and is such a better alternative to medication.

Susan M., Winchester CA 1/14/21

My daughter was suffering from anxiety and I wanted to avoid starting her on medication so early. We found Deanne here on Yelp, but didn’t know much about neurofeedback. After the 1st session my daughter had some short-term benefits that were noticeable. Now after around 10 sessions she anxiety has gone from an 8 down to a 2. Her mood is better, her focus and schoolwork has improved. I’m a believer now! What a difference this has made in her and our family.

Erin T. Murrieta, CA 4/3/2020

Deanne and the feedback have been such a blessing to our family!  My 14yr old has been seeing her for 8 sessions now and we are seeing marked improvements in anxiety.  Deanne is a breath of fresh air and her office is such a safe and calming space.  We have tried all kinds of therapies for our child and by far, Neurofeedback has been the most beneficial.

Marla V. Temecula, CA 8/16/2019

Deanne is an angel on earth.  Through her treatments, I am no longer suffering with chronic and life long anxiety and depression.  For years doctors have tried to put me on medications but I did not like the way they made me feel.  Instead of feeling alive and happy (which I now feel), the drugs made me feel like my brain and my emotions were shut off.  Deanne really cares about her patients and I would recommend her to the young, old and everyone in between.  The brain is an amazing organ and sometimes gets stuck with life circumstances… Neurofeedback not only fixes those issue, but the brain is actually healthier from it, which is a priceless gift.  I have tried so many different ways to improve my brain health and NOTHING has worked.  Oh, it is also very easy to do and it makes you feel so relaxed.  I hope you try it, I promise you won’t regret it.  I did 13 sessions and don’t need any more.


David B. Temecula, CA 6/3/2019

Update from original post 8/13/18: I’m guessing it has been 9 months or more since finishing the weekly treatments. My panic attacks have not come back, at least nothing like I had before. Have had stress symptoms build up, but it doesn’t go over the edge now. Have popped in for a couple sessions recently due to some major stress due to a friends health problem and looking for a full time job. The sessions really helped me focus on a positive job interview. Effects of follow up sessions are noticeably positive.


Lisle H. Menifee, CA  4/8/2019

My daughter who has dealt with depression for several years and severe anxiety for the last few years has seen a noticeable improvement with neurofeedback treatment at Temecula Neurofeedback.  I highly recommend Deanne to those who have tried talk therapy, medications, and other practices to give this a try.


Eric R. Murrieta, CA 3/2/2019

My 14 year old daughter struggles with depression, suicidal thoughts and social anxiety and has tried traditional therapy with little results.  I decided to look into non-traditional ways to help her and saw the great reviews for Deanne and neurofeedback.  We met with Deanne and immediately felt at ease with her.  She thoroughly explained what neurofeedback was and wasn’t and what we could expect in the sessions and how we might see results.  We decided to go for it and have been stunned by the results.  In two short months, my daughter’s depression has subsided, her suicidal thoughts have disappeared and she is happy with her life.  Her social anxiety has decreased significantly.  She is able to respond logically instead of emotionally when in arguments and through that has found her voice.  As a parent, I have hope that my daughter can cope with what life throws at her and that she has a therapy that can truly help her.


Sally S. Temecula, CA 2/15/2019

I highly recommend Deanne for neurofeedback. My daughter was struggling with the “yips” in softball (The yips is the loss of fine motor skills in athletes. The condition occurs suddenly and without apparent explanation, usually in mature athletes with years of experience). She is a catcher and wasn’t able to throw the ball back to the pitcher even though she has been playing this position for years. It was devastating to watch and we sought out talk therapy, but she still struggled.

A friend told us about neurofeedback and we made an appointment with Deanne. She was amazing from the first visit. She made my daughter feel relaxed and comfortable. Deanne could see the different areas in Madison’s brain that were causing her stress and she focused on those areas. After about five sessions my daughter no longer had the yips. We are so thankful for Deanne and her neurofeedback. If you are struggling with any sports performance issues you should give it a try. She’s truly amazing!

Jacob’s Mom, 10/31/18, Autism

I would like to start my message with the following key words”ADHD” and “Autism“. I do so because my hope is that some desperate special needs parent(s) will find this post as they spend endless hours scouring the web for a miracle. Yes, I said and meant “Miracle”, because that is what neurofeedback has been for me and my family. My 8 yr old son has been diagnosed on the Spectrum since 4 and  like any other parent who has a child that needs so much, I became an expert on the condition and found every support group, library book, naturalist practitioner, organic store. I made sure I surrounded myself with a network of people who knew of my plight to help my son, not necessarily cure him but give him “Peace” in his wonderful amazingly head. We have tried it all, chiropractic alignments, occupational/ABA/speech/equine/primitive reflex/dyslexic therapies and medications (lots and lots of medications) and although helpful, I did not see much progress. 

It wasn’t until I was connected to Temecula  Neurofeedback that I felt some kind of hope. When I first met Deanne (Certified Neurofeedback Specialist) I was immediately drawn to her because she truly wants to help people, especially children who cannot do much for themselves. Deanne patiently and thoroughly explained the process, I quickly learned that this treatment involves  the brainwaves to teach the brain to self-regulate his brain function.

We scheduled our first session which is the least invasive process my son has ever had to go through, but he was fidgety and unfocused due to his conditions. Deanne patient prepped him for a few electrodes on his head and although he kept moving and causing her to redo the electrodes, she smilingly saw he could not control his impulsiveness and stayed calm as can be.  Halfway through the process we saw him yawn several times which was unusual but I noticed his body was getting calmer and moving less.  When we left the session Deanne asked me to keep an eye on his demeanor throughout the next day.  WOW, I saw the difference right away! He actually put his tablet aside from his games and videos and slightly looked out the window.  He asked me a few questions which is highly unusual as most of my conversations with him are more in the tone of commands. I soon noticed a calmness in his demeanor, controlled physical movement, observation to his surroundings and fewer impulsive maneuvering.  His Teachers at school noticed the difference right away as well, I soon started to get packets of finished classwork as he was gaining so much focus and control. I knew this was my “Miracle” treatment that I would incorporate with his other therapies. If you are a parent like me who has accepted the limitations of your child, but does not want to leave any stone unturned, please consider this treatment.  I’m so glad that I did because when faced with the “Shoulda, coulda, woulda” I know that I have and will continue to be my child’s strongest advocate!!

Sherri, L. 09/22/18 , Depression, Anxiety

The sessions have helped a lot with anxiety that I have had for a long time. I feel more positive day to day and have more energy. Able to think clearly and not be so reactive to stressful situations. Feel like I am more myself, except better! My son has had several sessions as well for anxiety and some attention/sensory problems. I have noticed a “brighter” version of himself and since school has started, he seems more focused, organized, and his handwriting has improved.  Deanne is very professional and caring. She truly wants to help and has a kind heart.

David 8/13/18, Anxiety, Panic attacks

Deanne is a pleasure to speak with and she takes the time to properly understand your personal situation. She was even available to chat on a Sunday, when I was having an anxiety attack. I highly recommend anyone with anxiety to just try it. You don’t have to unload any baggage during her visits. No pressure here. Just relief.

I am a long time sufferer of Anxiety and Panic attacks and knew I needed some some help. Been through the years of pill doctors and their useless prescriptions. I decided to give Neurofeedback a try. It’s an amazing technology that just works. You don’t even have to “believe” in it for it to work. You sit and just relax and close your eyes while a few electrodes do their work. Nothing uncomfortable, no pain. After the first session I felt noticeably calm and relaxed. This continued and my “good” days starting outnumbering my “bad” days. About the 3rd session that good feeling has stuck around much longer. Just finished my 4th session and feel great. That “disconnected brain” feeling is mostly gone and I have my quick thinking mind back. I will update this review at the end of my last treatment.

Brandon 08/06/18, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

At first I was skeptical about neueofeedback when my friend recommended it for my son. But after having tried literally every other kind of therapy imaginable, I decided I had nothing to lose. I went ahead and started sessions for my 20 year old son suffering from the debilitating effects of a traumatic brain injury he incurred 6 years ago.

Since his motor cycle accident, my son suffered from migraines, sensitivity to light and sounds, slurred speech, his normal happy mood became anger and frustration, his sleep became poor, he had almost no energy to do anything, he stopped seeing his friends and he almost never left the house. For all intents and purposes, his life ended from that accident. The fun-loving, active, enthusiastic, and creative boy I had known, was gone.

Over the course of many years, I took my son to specialists all over Southern California, did every type of exam imaginable and no one had any answers as to how to help my son recover from his TBI. All that was offered was medication to calm his anger.

Last year a friend recommended that we give neurofeedback a try. I’d never heard of it before then. Based on all the positive reviews here on Yelp, I decided to try Temecula Neurofeedback. During my free consultation with Deanne, she put all my worries at ease and explained how her machine works and how it could help my son.

From the very first session, my son experienced positive changes. His mood lifted and he wasn’t so easily angered. After a few more sessions his migraines went away and he could tolerate going to stores with him. After 12 sessions most of his TBI symptoms had gone! He was hanging out with his friends and had much more energy. It was the most glorious day when my son said to me that he felt normal again!! After 6 years of suffering, my son felt normal in just two months with neurofeedback.

This was a year ago. Since then we come in for monthly “tune ups”. And his symptoms are kept to a minimum.  I’m sure there will be a day where he won’t need anymore session.

Thank you Deanne for blessing my son with your gift of healing and for giving my son his life back!

For anyone on the fence about the effectiveness of the neurofeedback system at Temecula Neurofeedback, I can tell you that it works!! You won’t be disappointed.

Elle, Y. 06/26/18, OCD, Anxiety

Please give this type of therapy a chance. I was a little skeptical when I was told about Neurofeedback. But Deanne came highly recommended and met with me for a no obligation complimentary consultation. She explained to me the science behind it and it’s potential benefits.  I decided to give this a chance. The long and short of it- I have dealt with anxiety my entire life. Sometimes that anxiety made it hard to sleep. Sometimes it triggered OCD behaviors. I have been in all kinds of therapy and was managing my life pretty well. But just couldn’t get it fully together. I have children now and realized I was teaching them how to be anxious. I was modeling anxiety driven behavior and I didn’t want to do that anymore.

After seeing Deanne and going through a few sessions of neurofeedback. I wish I had done this a decade ago. I feel so much more at peace. I can process things calmly and rationally. My whole home is more peaceful and I believe it is because, as the mom, my energy fuels the family- for better or worse. And this has helped me make it better.

If you even think this type of therapy may be a good fit for you- come in for a consultation. It could change your life.

(also- at the time of this review my son has started Neurofeedback with Deanne. He has what used to be called Aspergers – is now classified as high functioning/high IQ autism- and ADHD. After a very rough school year I asked if he would be a good candidate for this type of therapy.  We have a seen a HUGE decrease in his anxiety symptoms.)

Elizabeth, F., 03/16/18, Anxiety, Depression, Infertility

I have always been an anxious person, but had no idea how much my anxiety was affecting my life until I met Deanne and began neurofeedback. I had read about the benefits of neurofeedback in the book “The Body Keeps the Score,” which highlighted it as a very effective and widely used treatment prior to the pharmaceutical companies introducing and pushing psychotropic medications. I was very open minded to the possibility of neurofeedback working to reduce my anxiety, but also aware that my anxiety had been chronic, and failed to be alleviated with several other non medication treatments, including CBT and DBT. My anxiety was also at it’s peak, as I was beginning the process of IVF at around the same time I started working with Deanne. I had struggled with infertility for about 3.5 years before we were told that IVF was our only option. For anyone who has struggled with infertility, there is a wide range of overwhelming emotions that I could never accurately describe. I started to notice subtle changes from neurofeedback after session 4. Around session 6, there was a dramatic shift. I was experiencing anxiety, like we are biologically wired to do for survival, but it was a “normal” level of anxiety. This is when it really put in perspective for me just how severe my anxiety was. My body had become so accustomed to functioning in survival mode due to childhood trauma and several difficult events that took place in my life throughout adolescence and early adulthood. As of today, I am in the healthiest relationship I have ever been in, with a career I love and am passionate about, and have plenty of support from family and friends; yet the high level of anxiety lingered around, regardless of the stable foundation I had created for myself. After completing neurofeedback, I now understood the difference between chronic, oftentimes debilitating anxiety, and healthy levels of anxiety. I now feel like I am observing and reflecting on my emotions, not being controlled by them. I have time to process and reflect in order to make a healthy decision, versus react. And my newfound insight was tested when I went through the IVF process. After suffering multiple pregnancy loses, we attempted our first transfer with IVF and had to wait the dreaded two weeks to see if the embryo “stuck.” Instead of ruminating on the “what ifs,” I experienced a tolerable level of nerves and worry. I didn’t fixate on the worst possible outcome, or start planning how I would move on from a failed transfer, I simply let it be. THAT, is not typical for me, nor has it ever been. And now, after a successful IVF transfer, I am 16 weeks pregnant and fully enjoying this pregnancy. I experienced normal worry, as any mom would, but it never got to the point where it robbed me of the experience of being pregnant for the first time after waiting for nearly four years for this miracle baby. I also did neurofeedback sessions while in the first trimester, and baby is perfectly fine and growing right on track. I highly recommend trying neurofeedback for anyone looking to alleviate chronic symptoms of anxiety and depression. Deanne is extremely caring and compassionate, and instantly makes you feel welcome and comfortable. You won’t be disappointed!

Jennifer, 03/15/18, Anger, ADHD

Seriously, any time anybody asks be what was the most effective treatment for my child, I tell them neurofeedback. It literally was the only thing out of many, many, many, many, many (years of) things I tried that worked with amazing rapidity and results that the teachers even saw. More parents need to use your services.

A proud mom, 03/03/2018, Depression, Poor Focus & Fatigue

My 11 year old daughter struggled with depression. She seemed to be falling deeper into despair as it was affecting her at every facet of her life. Her behavior at home and school, her friendships, her grades, and her self-esteem. It was heartbreaking the day she told her dad and I that she felt like she was a disappointment to us. We were afraid to discipline her, because she was so emotionally fragile. There were days she couldn’t keep her head off her school desk…or make eye contact with anyone. Sometimes, I had to pick her up from school early or, have her go in late. There would be mornings that she would beg me for coffee….so she could function. A few times I caved and gave her a few sips to get her out the door.

The feeling of guilt and powerlessness as a parent was overwhelming. I hated allowing a quick fix like coffee to pick her up, because it seems too much like a drug, especially for a child. My husband and I were trying to do anything and everything to not have her medicated….but, we felt like allowing her to be depressed was chipping away at her daily.

As a last ditch effort I googled natural alternatives for depression. Neurofeedback came up. I met with Deanne (without my daughter). She explained the process to me and even did a treatment on me first during this meeting. I was amazed at the calming effect it had on me since my anxiety was through the roof. My daughter started her therapy a couple of months ago, and I am happy to say it has changed her life. She is a different kid. One day, early on into therapy sessions I took her out of class for a session in the morning—she was in a bad way, so we moved up her appointment time…I brought her back to class less than an hour later as a happy go lucky kid. Her teacher was shocked at the difference of her demeanor!

She loves going in for her treatments and is now only going every once in a while for “tune ups.” She has more energy, and loves herself again. Deann is awesome. She explains everything so well and has such a big heart. I’m so glad we didn’t go the route of depression medication. We were so close!

Brittany M.,  12/06/17, PTSD, Anxiety & Stress

I have been going to Deanne for the past 3 months and she has helped me tremendously! I have lived with anxiety my whole life, have had a very stressful adult life, am a single mother of 4 and have one child with special needs. My health was declining from all the stress and anxiety and after trying all the natural supplements and even more recently trying CBD oil, NOTHING was even touching my stress and anxiety that I was living with on a daily basis. I found myself on the verge of tears constantly and I was desperate to try anything else before I tried prescription meds (which I was on years ago and didn’t want to get back on). I also want to add, I was having bouts of depression off and on. When I first went to her, she told me my brain wave patterns looked like those of her PTSD patients. I was unaware that I had PTSD but it made sense. Fast forward 3 months and I feel like a totally different person! The only way I know how to describe it is that it feels like someone took a key and turned my brain off. I have no more scattered, racing thoughts, I’m able to control my emotions so much better, stress and anxiety doesn’t have it’s ugly grip on me every single day anymore, and I feel “free” from 95% of what was weighing me down all the time. I have already recommended Neurofeeback to several of my friends and I just started taking my own 8 year old son to start his own sessions to help with his “very active brain” and to help get his own emotions under control. I’m SO grateful to have found this!!!

Lisa G.,  12/01/17, Anxiety & Fear

My son is a 6-year-old that has suffered from anxiety and related symptoms.  He was very reactive and anxious.  Being a child, this often came out as irritability and anger.  He was afraid to try new things often and had bad reactions to schedule changes.   He had trouble with focusing and organizing his thoughts and his words.  After several treatments, he is doing very well.  He is a lot less anxious, resulting in a calmer, less reactive child.  He is less fearful, which makes him more flexible and peaceful.  He is doing well in school, able to learn and focus.  He recognizes how calm he feels and goes to sessions with excitement.  He has responded so positively to this treatment and we are so glad to have been able to give him this gift.

Lisa G.,  12/01/17, Depression

I have been struggling with depression and related symptoms for as long as I can remember.  I gave neurofeedback a try after also trying many other treatments, such as therapy, medication, exercise etc.  I have been able to successfully lower my medication and at this point am attempting to completely come off and stay off.  The neurofeedback has treated the related symptoms to depression, such as increasing energy, improving sleep quality, decreasing reactivity, and increasing focus and productivity.  I am so pleased with the results and am happy to be treating my brain and healing it, rather than medicating symptoms! 

Sue A.,  10/18/17, Depression & Addiction

I needed some help getting out of a too long cycle of negative thinking that led to full-blown depression. The cycle of negative thinking was fueled and perpetuated by alcohol. I had long understood that I did not have to drink, but I just could not calm the urge when it crept up daily. I could talk myself into drinking with ease. AA was helping, but after decades of addiction, I needed more help.

I went to see Deanne Perry not really knowing much about Neurofeedback other than a quick online investigation. She explained the process and how it works, answering all of my questions.

I saw results quickly. They were mild. I equated it to the relaxing feeling you get from a nice cup of tea that lingers. Lingering long enough for me to see some sunshine.

Before long, about two or three sessions, I was able to take these negative thoughts and investigate them rationally. They were there, but not consuming me at all.

With this new-found ability to think rationally, I was able to clearly see that the cessation of alcohol must come first before any true healing can come.

After 6 sessions, I can now say the depression is gone and I feel a very strong sense of peace and gratitude. The urges for and use of alcohol is gone and I feel free from that burden. My energy, productivity, and enthusiasm are back!

I can’t thank Deanne enough for her warm supportive nature and her passion for bringing Neurofeedback to the community.

It works.

Anonymous, 10/28/17, Physical & Emotional Trauma

You are truly a miracle worker. My daughter said she felt amazing after the treatment and she was in no neck or back pain all day… She feels the negativity is gone and lifted. Thank you so much!!

Zack Z.,  08/26/17, Emotional & Mental Trauma

I wish I would have found nerofeedback sooner. I have tried every treatment and even therapy with zero help. After the first treatment of nerofeedback I started feeling better! It’s amazing and my life gets easier with each treatment. I have dealt with severe abandonment issues all my life and a recent breakup with a girlfriend pushed it all over the edge. I was so unhappy and saw no point to life. The anxiety was off the charts and I had no control over my emotional state. I was miserable!

After just one treatment I improved about 50%. I went 2 0r 3 times a week because it was helping so much. I went from zero control over my emotions, to being 90% in control in just over a month. It has changed my life in ways I could never have imagined! It actually takes away your insecurities and lets the real person you really are come forward.

I’m no longer stuck in feeling about abandonment and could care less about my past issues like that. I recently started a new job with a ton of stress and have been able to handle it without a problem. It makes you rock solid emotionally which is a new experience for me! Problems that would have gotten under my skin for days just roll off me.

I don’t want to think about where I would be without neurofeedback!

I only wish I would have found it sooner! Thank Deanne! You are a true rockstar!

Susie O., 06/04/17, ADHD

I took my son, who is a sophomore in high school, to Deanne for neurofeedback to help him with his finals since he has ADHD and I was concerned about his grades.   He seemed to be much more able to focus on studying and taking his tests after the two sessions, and did not feel nervous about  them.  He ended up getting great scores on all his exams.  I feel that the neurofeedback helps the nervous system relax more, reduces restlessness, and enhances cognition.  Parents of children with focus and attention issues or any executive functioning disorder should seriously consider this modality to help them.  It can bring many great results in a short amount of time.

Gina R., 05/11/17, Depression, Anxiety, & Insomnia

Neuro feedback is the help I’ve searched years to find. After almost 2 decades of doctors, medications, diagnosis and treatment without answers or much relief I am finally free from relentless anxiety and insomnia.

I started treatment with Deanne only 6 weeks ago (at 36 weeks pregnant) and noticed a change in how I felt almost immediately. I am also sleeping better than I have in years even with a 3 week old. I wake up at night with the baby and go right back to sleep, no struggling to fall asleep or lying awake for hours anymore. I am so much more at peace with life everyday.

Deanne is so kind and generous with her time. She even comes to my house to do the treatments now that I have two kids and finding time to go to her at the office would otherwise be nearly impossible. I had tried everything and only wish I had found Deanne and neuro feedback sooner!

Maria A., 03/27/17, Depression, Anxiety & PTSD

Working with Deanne the last few months has changed my life for the better! I’ve been suffering with brain disassociation, trouble sleeping,depression and an over active brain. This has been the hardest thing I’ve ever gone through! This will also cause me to have a lot of anxiety attacks. Thankfully I found Deanne and she has worked so hard to help me have a better quality of life. I can now sleep better, focus more and she has given me the strength to continue to fight to get better! Before nuerofeedback I felt hopeless a lot of the time! I was so scared that I would never be like I use to. Now I have hope and I was actually able to focus for the first time in 5 years and received my certification in nutrition!! Deanne is caring, warm and takes the time to lessen to how you feel! She is always trying to figure out better ways to help me fully recover! This means the world to me and my family.

Jana R., 11/03/16, Psychosomatic Disorder from Trauma

Our experience with Deanne Perry and Neurofeedback………at the end of April of this year our Daughter started having a medical condition involving her right leg. She at first had difficulty walking, her leg was delayed when she walked on it, a month later she lost her balance and smacked her knee and had a sore knee for about another month, the pain from the knee got better, then by the end of June she woke up with severe pain in her entire leg and after that it went completely numb from the knee down. Her leg became a dead weight. In these two months she had been to Rady’s children’s hospital twice for many tests then a month later we went to Loma Linda University Hospital for more tests. All tests came back normal. She also went to a Neurologist and had more tests done there including a muscle and nerve test, which also came back normal. At this point we had no answers on what was wrong. They kept telling it had to be psychological since they couldn’t find anything wrong. Which we accepted this being a possibility because she is suffering from the emotions/stress of a emotional trauma from sexual abuse over 3 years ago. But besides medications (which made her sick and did nothing but make her feel worse or heavily drugged) and counseling that we had tried previously, she was not getting better. They basically explained her body had taken over and redirected the pain from the trauma to her body. So PT and more counseling was recommended, along with medication again (which we were not wanting to lean towards since it hadn’t done anything before). We began PT in June which helped the top part of her right leg to get strong again. By this time she was fully wheelchair bound when we had to go any where. In late August we brought a Chiropractor into helping her. His treatments were getting us no where either. Everything just gave us better ways to maneuver her leg around so it wasn’t dragging all the time when she tried to get around at home. We were so frustrated and lost! We didn’t know what else to do. Meanwhile our 17 year old daughter was falling apart more and more emotionally as she had to go to a alternative school for missing so much school her Junior year and got so far behind. A very good friend of mine had mentioned Neurofeedback through Deanne. She had been helping her son for quite some time and so after a bit of contemplating it, I finally gave it a try. She had her first and second session and she left feeling good and had a ton of energy, we went in for the third session and that night her leg woke up for about 10 minutes. Then a week later we were due for her forth session, that morning she was asleep and I woke her up by touching her leg, not knowing I was touching her bad leg and she woke up and very loudly said “Ouch” so I kept touching it and she kept saying it. I asked her if she was able to feel everything I was doing and she said yes. Keep in mind she had not felt her leg for about 5 months so of course we were so excited. So she was crying in pain for about 10 mins (as the nerves were going nuts) then she was able to get up and move it. She walked into Deanne’s office and Deanne and I started tearing up. We were so shocked that the Neurofeedback worked as fast as it did. I love the way it works. Like I said before the medications were not making her better. Plus the medications just mask it so she is able to help cope with it but that’s not how they worked with her. Meds would only give her temporarily relief then it didn’t work anymore. She would feel so sick and drugged the whole time. Before I talked to Deanne on the phone about how Neurofeedback worked I had literally lost all hope and didn’t know what to do. Doctors seemed to be getting irritated with us and treating us like we were making the whole thing up which was even more frustrating. I don’t know how you can fake not feeling you leg but ya know. Lol.  I am so blessed and thankful we found Deanne and Neurofeedback. My husband and I are so amazed about how it worked for our daughter that we are going to try it ourselves whom both suffer from anxeity and everyday life stress which is taking a toll on our bodies. Thank you so much Deanne Perry!! You are a true god send!! I would highly recommend Neurofeedback to anyone. It is truly amazing!!

Jennifer F., 05/21/16, ADHD, Anger & Anxiety

My son struggled with mild anxiety when he started school and would cry every day begging to come home. He would get nervous to learn new things for fear he wouldn’t do them well. After only 2 treatments his teacher saw a difference. After 6 treatments she said he was a completely different child. Words cannot describe how much neurofeedback has helped him and especially me because I’ve seen him grow. Knowing he’s doing better in school and continues to blossom daily because of his treatments is worth it’s weight in gold! Thank heavens we found Deanne!

Susie O., 07/12/16, Insomnia & Stress

I have personally experienced three wonderfull neurofeedback treatments with Deanne. I was suffering with insomnia and feelings of being overwhelmed by life in general. Her sessions made me feel so much calmer. I was so grateful to Deanne for alleviating the tension and my sleep improved. I would recommend to anyone who has anxiety and stress in their lives to try neurofeedback it can really improve your sense of well being. Deanne is so patient and nonjudgemental, she is a joy to work with and has a very uplifting spirit.

Delanie A., 06/01/16, Anxiety, Depression & OCD

Neurofeedback has helped my days seem more manageable. I no longer let my ocd and my cognitive distortions run my day or send me down the black hole it once was.